A couple of us Stubby owners were not satisfied with our Stubbys banjo locking performance so we made some improvements: Go to the download page to get instructions.

A couple of us Stubby owners were not satisfied with our Stubbys banjo locking performance so we made some improvements: Go to the download page to get instructions.
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I think what you are doing/have done is admirable. It is a little disturbing to know that Omega is not interested. Is Bill R interested? Have you talked to him, and how did he react? Let me guess: Since you are willing to share the design and ideas free of charge, but unwilling to have anyone profit from them, he’s not picking up on it.
The paragraph on shaft design prompts me to make two comments:
1.) Oil light should be changed to read Oilite.
2.) You suggest future experiments with harder shaft materials. Don’t bother. All steels have virtually the same modulus of elasticity–it is this modulus which determines the deflection, so mild steel and tool steel will deflect the same amount. The difference is in the yield point, which determines when the material takes a permanent set after the load is removed. Since we are not bending our camshafts, yield point is not a problem.
Your initial experiments with two nuts proved this. However, if you could substitute a nut and stud made of high tensile steel, that would surely make a difference.
Thanks for an excellentjob and report.
Thanks for your visit and kind comments, you are the first one to comment. I expected a lot of activity when I first posted this but I guess not as many stubby users viewed this as a problem. I was amused that Bill called it the “banjo defect” in his recent forum post.
I concluded that Bill R is not the problem. As best I can tell he doesn’t get adequate support from Omega and tries his best to hide that fact from us. I traded emails with Omega when we decided to solve this defect , and they wined about not having the engineering expertise. It is scary to imagine that perhaps this lathe wasn’t designed by engineers at all. After I agreed to do the engineering for free they stopped answering my emails and Walt and I just went on to fix our own. I have been using mine for months now and am very pleased with the results.
Stubby is an awesome lathe, it just lacks the quality and finesse that comes from the staff of design and manufacturing engineers customary at larger manufacturors.
I also fixed the spelling error.
I appreciated reading your solution to the banjo locking issue. Months back you and I traded email on this topic and I installed the second nut on the bottom of the banjo. It has helped but am interested in trying your solution. I would be interested in purchasing the solution you have developed. Please let me know when you get some pricing back.
Regards and thanks for the input
We posted this months ago and as a result we didn’t pursue quotes. I have contacted Walt and asked him if he is interested in making one for you. Alternatively you can get the drawings from me and get one made at your favorite machine shop. I will let you know if Walt is interested if you send your email to me at donny@turnedoutright.