I hope you like the new look of this site.
It has been optimized for readability and navigation.
Many thanks to my son JAMES who did the redesign his link is .
BTW thanks also to my other son Matt who did all the cool graphics for Donny, the banner and apparel.
Thanks sons,
Donny (Dad)
Uncle Don this is ur nephew Jacob who lives in ALabama. I am sitting hear in my BTE class and was bored so I typed in Kleinschnitz. It popped up with ur wood turning site. I went on and saw that you have some pretty cool stuff on here! How are things going? What type of things are you currently working on? How long has it been since I saw you last? I think it was at the Christmas party where you showed me how to play poker. Up, the announcements just came on which means it is time for me to go. TTuL :]!