I have been using the tail stock lift I built many months ago with a great deal of satisfaction.
In fact I nearly forgot it was there, and I almost forgot one of its limitations. When you pull out the bed the lift will no longer work because it is fixed to the end of the lathe’s stand.
With a little prompting from a discussion in the stubby users group forum I decided to give a new design a try.
Think “prototype” when looking at the photo’s below, welding and fit isn’t very good yet. If this design works well I will make it pretty on the next iteration.
Heaven’s Prisoners the movie

It looks like this can also be used as a bed extension. Very clever.
I applaud your inventiveness, but I think it simply relocates the tailstock; it’s still going to be in the way when you want to work near/at the end of the lathe. Still, maybe those that need this solution due to strength issues will only working in front of their lathes.
My favorite spot to stand when I turn bowls is at the end of the lathe. Don: does it bother you when you are in that position?
The jury is still out as to how much “in the way” the stowage will be. I will keep us updated as I turn a few more bowls.